Sunday, August 15, 2010

Module 6- Keynote Video

Here is the link to my keynote video. My topic was open source and I am introducing Yochai Benkler. Please give me feedback!!!



  1. Kat,
    OMG, your presentation was great! I loved how the informaiton was presented. Your use of graphics was fantastic.

  2. Thank you! I had fun making it!! I had just seen Eat, Pray, Love and the scene where she was driving in India, inspired me to set my conference in Bombay and use the Slumdog soundtrack.

  3. Kat,

    You certainly incorporated the “WOW” factor in the opening of your intro! You did a good job making me want to listen to your speaker, which of course, is the purpose of the intro. Information packed, you effectively communicated your view point on open source; you (or at least your speaker) is an advocate.

    Good job.


  4. Christine,

    Thank you! I had fun making this movie. I actually had to learn a new type of iMovie and I had been putting it off for quite a while and now I feel like an expert. I love Apple products and the fact that they are truly USER FRIENDLY!

  5. Kat,
    The video is incredible,
    my question is, where is your video? This seems to be a compilation of work done by other people and edited by you. I do not see original work composed by you? I could be wrong, you give blanket credit to others which is necessary, but I do not see personally shot video!

  6. Bradley,

    Thanks. I just re-read the rubrics and assignment guidelines and I did not see an area where our video needed to be shot by us...I found this in the rubric: "Graphics in the video are edited and included as appropriate."
    Or from the assignment guidelines: "Begin developing the media clips that your Video Presentation will comprise. You will edit these video clips during Module 4."
    I can see when it would be appropriate to have classroom shots and whatnots for other topics but I felt that my topic was best represented by images, shots of Yochai lecturing and such. If I misread any of the material, please enlighten me!

  7. Kat, Mechanics of Video Presentation: 30 points

    "25% (or less) of the video may be screen shots or downloaded video with appropriate citations

    Video is not a power point, or other “slides” that were saved in a video format."

    Also see module 3 first posting by Dr. Moller!
    Thank you,

  8. I see that I have been following the wrong rubric...Thank you for pointing it out to me. Not much that I can do at this point but I am glad that I know.

  9. Hi Kat!

    Great job! I think that choosing Bombay for your conference was a definite plus - the dynamic pulse of the city adds energy to the conference!:) I really liked your keynote speaker and the points your video made about the importance of open source programs.Open source has a much broader public reach and impact than private programs. You have a great voice for these productions!

    Very well done!


  10. Bill,

    Thank you! I was really torn about where to set my conference. I live in Detroit and that just did not seem as

  11. Wow Kat,
    Awesome job on the video. It looks like you had fun making it. It was well put together and informative. I enjoyed!!!

  12. LaTonya,

    Thank you! I did have fun...I shut myself inside for 24 hours to put all my creative juices in it!

  13. Kat...

    Nice Job. I also thank you for your help through our conversations. I ended up using the Zanzar site.

  14. Richard,

    Your welcome! I am glad that you found success with is one of my favorite resources! It is so nice to have someone to share ideas with!

  15. Kat!
    I loved your video! The music you chose fit so well with your graphics. I was engaged the entire time. Ans using video of the keynote speaker really gets the audience excited about what they are abotu to see. Great job!
